This parquet floor had 60 square feet of water damage in front of the window, which was replaced, and the rest of the floor was in poor condition. A good sanding, filling, and stain took care of 30 years of abuse, and hid the colour difference between the old and new wood. The floor was still wet when in the after picture.
This plank floor had 3″, 6″, and 8″ boards with walnut plugs. The owner wanted to restore it to new condition and lighten the colour to brighten up the room. We replaced the damaged boards, added walnut plugs to match, sanded it flat, and gave it a lighter stain. The after picture was taken before finish was applied.
This floor was in really bad condition. We patched some areas, and sanded it thoroughly beginning with a rough grit, and cutting it at 45 degrees. The result can be seen at the right, with only one black blotch that wouldn’t sand out or blend in with the stain.
This maple floor was yellowed and peeling in some places. It was out of place in a modern home, so we resanded it and gave it a new look. The after picture was taken when the first coat was still wet.